The Emilia

Is not just a location: it is a way of being

Some places aren't limited by their borders, and they aren't just areas that we visit and leave. Some places truly become a part of us.
Emilia is not just a location. It’s a way of being.
It’s a bond that begins in the soil and reaches our hearts. It is as alive as the change of the seasons.

You don’t have to be born in Emilia to be Emilian. Being Emilian means falling in love with traditional local products that are the envy of the entire world, from New York to Tokyo. To be Emilian is to love good food as well as medieval villages, green hills and fertile lands that farmers have cultivated for centuries with wisdom and patience.

Being Emilian means smiling at our visitors, and looking forward to the colours of autumn and the scents of spring. This unique spot is located between the Apennine mountains and the sea, among art and history, beside the majestic Po river, and between the land and the sky.

Emilia teaches us how to enjoy the small things, to let good humour take over, and to appreciate beauty. So that we can live with gusto, and with good taste.

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